Friday 10 May 2013

Angry Post

Yeah we're delicious, but we're gonna break your mind with our icy satanic powers...
They look like Power Rangers but with a higher sugar content. 

Here are some things that make me angry:
  1. Snapping a lipstick. Oh my god! It's got so much potential, all of the actual stuff is there, but you can't use it! Plus lipstick is cray expensive. 
  2. Brain freezes. What even are they? What makes them think they have the right to ruin a beautiful moment with a slushie or an ice-cream? And it's most undignified when you start making a weird face and clutching you head, but you can't do anything about it.
  3. People who have great ideas but don't contribute in lessons. It's supposed to be a give and take environment, a sort of learning engine where we all push it forward together. But some people just absorb some stuff from the discussion quietly but don't add anything. It's selfish and boring; you end up having the same few members of the class talking over and over again, and it'd be way more interesting to have new angles on stuff. Also, if you come to the lesson just to listen to other people and get worksheets, why the hell are you even there? You don't need to be. Go home and watch a lecture on YouTube or print off some information. What's the point of coming to the lesson?
  4. When you've listened to a song too many times. It's a timeless tragedy: you find this song and it's SO GREAT, it's the most perfect thing in the world and when you're not listening to it you're wasting your life. So you listen to it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Ad nauseam. Eventually it becomes totally neutral, like the sound of a washing machine in the background. Then it gets worse, and you can't listen to it without feeling sick, every predictable beat like a headache becoming a migraine. Yeesh. It's really sad because you know deep down it's a great song, that's why you loved it so much to begin with, but now it's lost for you forever. Unless you don't listen to it for over a year, then after that you'll hear it and be full of nostalgia.
  5. Severe pins and needles. OMG! Why, body, why?! It's so debilitating, you end up hobbling around while people poke you and laugh at your agonised face. And there's NOTHING you can do about it, apart from brace yourself. 

Thursday 2 May 2013

Cool things I found on tumblr

Kay, so I don't have a tumblr. I might have made on ages ago but I never used it and I can't even remember what my log in is. But I occasionally tumble on tumblr and find the coolest things. Here are two of them.

Yes! This! Oh my gosh <3

Hello Kitty noods! What more do you want from life?