Friday 5 April 2013

In Defence of Kathleen Mead

Kathleen feverishly consumes a biscuit...

So, when it comes to the original Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High (available to watch here), there are usually disagreements. Love or hate Joey Jeremiah, love or hate the Heather and Erica, a fan of the 80s clothes or think they're the ugliest things ever to cover a back, can't stick the sometimes lame acting or think it adds gawky charm... The list could be pretty much endless. But I've yet to hear of someone who doesn't think Kathleen Mead is "the wicked witch of Degrassi" or at least extremely irritating. I mean, she ruthlessly dictated the Degrassi Junior High Environmental Committee, she was horrible to anyone who threatened her power, she was frequently bitchy to loyal friend Melanie, she was infuriatingly competitive, she was self-centred and she refused to accept help with anything. Plus her voice was so annoying, and she had no dress sense. But I'd like to mount a defence case.

  1. She had tons of problems. Like, way more than in any other character's plotline. Her mother was an alcoholic, her father was never home, she had anorexia, she was in an abusive relationship... I think often these were reasons, not excuses, for her behaviour. She had little control over her home life so it's understandable she'd try to exercise control at school. She was always trying to earn her father's attention, hence the competitiveness. Anorexia is an awful illness, and it must have made her more ratty to say the least. And Scott the dickhead capitalised on her vulnerability to abuse her in their relationship, which obviously distracted her from her friends and made her even more determined to be in control of other situations. 
  2. Melanie was a brilliant character, and she needed Kathleen to demonstrate this. Their friendship often gave Melanie the opportunity to look out for her friend, and to be the funny guy to Kathleen's straight man. Plus they had some classic moments together: being convinced they were on drugs when Joey sold them vitamin pills, for example.
  3. She typified a certain kind of girl. We've all met our Kathleens: the rumour-spreaders, the frenemies, the 13-year-old fascist dictators... For Degrassi to reflect something of real school life, she had to be there.
  4. Kathleen had some killer moments. She took Arthur to the graduation dance, not because he was rich as he feared, but "because you're a boy". She gave an evil death stare on numerous occasions which are worth studying; it could come in useful. She was comedy gold.
So there you have it. She's not my favourite character, and by no means a heroine, but Degrassi wouldn't be the same without her. Let Melanie's whines of "Kathleeeeeeen!" haunt the hallways ever more.
Classic Kathleen bitch face.

Oh, and she's an excellent sign-maker. In the DJH episode 'Revolution', she protested against Stephanie Kay's dismal rule as student president with a sign saying "Stephanie Kay may be a good kisser but she's a lousy prez! The student council can't be run on lips alone!" xD

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